API version:
POST /public/v1/reusable_templates/:id/embed_document
Embed a cloned document from a Reusable Template
Embeds a document from reusable templates with the specified id
For higher api limits and avoiding overhead of re-mapping merge fields in case of template version change try new API V2. Read more
Supported Formats
Code | Description |
400 | invalid_scope |
400 | unauthorized_client |
401 | Can't find Reusable Template. |
401 | Unauthorized account for Reusable Template. |
422 | The role name supplied (<NAME>) does not match the role name expected. |
422 | Merge field ids/names do not match the reusable template's merge fields. |
422 | Embed height should be 500 or greater |
422 | Embed width should be 706 or greater |
POST /public/{version}/reusable_templates/e011e65a-79a1-488a-b875-89a569a48da7/embed_document { "access_token": "a82490f7708d949b449453a17705b191cd6f37b5cff7e3bd8cf6b92d88ea48f4", "message": "Please sign this", "expires_in": 30, "roles": [ { "name": "signer1", "signer_name": "geoff" } ], "name": "This is the name of a document", "api_embed_width": "706", "api_embed_height": "500", "reusable_template": { "roles": [ { "name": "signer1", "signer_name": "geoff" } ] } } 200 { "document": { "id": "25b47840-0925-4241-99b9-7486362decbd", "current_signer_id": "4262bfbe-032e-41fe-a899-3afacbbe59e7", "name": "This is the name of a document", "filename": "application.pdf", "executed_at": null, "expired_at": "2018-06-06T08:23:32.224-07:00", "sent_at": "2018-05-07T08:23:32.253-07:00", "state": "pending", "thumbnail_url": "https://rightsign-development.s3.amazonaws.com/base_files/processed/b4cbbcd26be61d830bace968d28bad7c1046c1f759a5f40b7e01da4fbccac152_123_0_wi/thumbnail_p1.png?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJSRMQNOZ6XOBJZ4A&Expires=1525793012&Signature=%2BuRBmk3S1Ss4viFAbhfdcmVLX08%3D", "sender": { "id": "ceb73f25-0f0c-460b-9950-d8c1e4f8d925", "name": "Stuart Ziemann", "email": "everardo_schimmel@lindgrenfeil.com", "signer": false }, "recipients": [ { "role_name": "signer1", "name": "geoff", "email": null, "status": "pending", "id": "4262bfbe-032e-41fe-a899-3afacbbe59e7", "sign_url": "https://secure.rs.dev:3000/signers/4262bfbe-032e-41fe-a899-3afacbbe59e7/sign?access_token=vcePnuyc8Zj3NfDD9Hh5", "remind_url": "https://api.rs.dev:3002/public/{version}/signers/4262bfbe-032e-41fe-a899-3afacbbe59e7/reminders", "message": "Please sign this", "sequence": 0 } ], "audits": [], "page_image_urls": [ "https://rightsign-development.s3.amazonaws.com/base_files/processed/b4cbbcd26be61d830bace968d28bad7c1046c1f759a5f40b7e01da4fbccac152_123_0_wi/original_p1.png?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJSRMQNOZ6XOBJZ4A&Expires=1525793012&Signature=7LwQlkS5zTna5gDFhuM5y0J307c%3D" ], "signed_pdf_url": null, "tags": {}, "merge_field_values": [], "embed_codes": [ { "embed_code": "<div style=\"display:block;margin:0;padding:0;border:0;outline:0;font-size:10px!important;color:#AAA!important;vertical-align:baseline;background:transparent;width:706px;\"><iframe frameborder=\"0\" height=\"500\" scrolling=\"no\" src=\"https://secure.rs.dev:3000/signers/4262bfbe-032e-41fe-a899-3afacbbe59e7/sign?access_token=vcePnuyc8Zj3NfDD9Hh5\" width=\"706\"></iframe></div>", "signer_email": null, "signer_role_name": "signer1" } ], "in_person": false, "shared_with": [ "test@test.com" ], "identity_method": "none", "passcode_pin_enabled": false, "original_file_url": "https://rightsign-development.s3.amazonaws.com/base_files/original/31262dd7-724b-48f0-a642-9c313d680165/application.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJSRMQNOZ6XOBJZ4A&Expires=1525793012&Signature=PyyMOhZAybdz6gunjEkVvKA4vLE%3D&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Dapplication.pdf" } }
POST /public/{version}/reusable_templates/df643e6f-7a61-437b-b225-c32f0f83f9c9/embed_document { "access_token": "33175d0e79a201b002959eced15f857e31ca7a45574f3db9738989d939a143af", "message": "Please sign this", "expires_in": 30, "roles": [ { "name": "signer1" } ], "name": "This is the name of a document", "api_embed_width": "706", "api_embed_height": "500", "reusable_template": { "roles": [ { "name": "signer1" } ] } } 422 { "error": "Signer Name is required" }
Param name | Description |
name required |
A name for the document you are sending Validations:
shared_with optional |
List of email recipients to share the document with Validations:
message optional |
A message for all signers Validations:
roles required |
Document signers Validations:
roles[name] required |
Role name. For text tags, role name must match. Validations:
roles[signer_name] required |
Signer name Validations:
roles[signer_email] optional |
Signer email. Validations:
roles[is_sender] optional |
Is signer the owner of document? Validations:
roles[message] optional |
Custom message to signer. Validations:
api_embed_width required |
Embed width |
api_embed_height required |
Embed height |
merge_field_values optional |
Merge Fields Validations:
merge_field_values[id] required |
Merge Field ID Validations:
merge_field_values[value] required |
Merge Field value. If the merge field is a date, the value should be in yyyy/mm/dd or yyyy-mm-dd format. Validations:
expires_in required |
Document expiration. Must be between 1 and 365 days |
tags optional |
Optional key value tags for categorization |