API version:
POST /public/v1/sending_requests
Create a Sending Request
This generates a Sending Request for a one-off Document with a file.
The request will contain the file and Document attributes, that will be delivered after the file is uploaded.
The response will contain a upload_url
where you can PUT to upload the file.
It is important to call api.rightsignature.com/public/{version}/sending_requests/:id/uploaded after the file is uploaded, to trigger the Document creation.
To upload the file, do a PUT to the response's upload_url
with the file in the body. Ex. response
{ "sending_request": { "id": "09001350-1853-471c-955a-abb7d3120aa1", "upload_url": "https://rightsignature-sr-production.s3.amazonaws.comsending_requests/dbc73bba-2fe6-4a73-a227-3d221e97fa4a/testSR.pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJ6XOWM37KL6IPHHA%2F20160811%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20160811T192204Z&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-Signature=9016aea2d753c1bc07e75b27c472cbced86f3f30957152c96aec1eae01b9d191&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=Host&x-amz-acl=private", "document_template_id":null, "created_at":"2016-08-10T18:57:29.400-07:00", "updated_at":"2016-08-10T18:57:29.400-07:00" }
Ex. curl command to upload location file test_post.pdf
curl -v -X PUT -F 'file=@test_post.pdf' 'https://rightsignature-sr-production.s3.amazonaws.comsending_requests/dbc73bba-2fe6-4a73-a227-3d221e97fa4a/testSR.pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJ6XOWM37KL6IPHHA%2F20160811%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20160811T192204Z&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-Signature=9016aea2d753c1bc07e75b27c472cbced86f3f30957152c96aec1eae01b9d191&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=Host&x-amz-acl=private'
After uploading, you will need to do a POST to api.rightsignature.com/public/{version}/sending_requests/:id/uploaded.
Supported Formats
Code | Description |
400 | invalid_scope |
400 | unauthorized_client |
401 | Could not find resource owner |
401 | Resource owner is not entitled |
401 | invalid_token |
401 | Must be authenticated. |
401 | Unauthorized application. |
422 | Bad input parameter. Error message should indicate which one and why. |
404 | User account is not enabled. |
404 | User has reached document limit. |
POST /public/{version}/sending_requests { "file": { "name": "my_upload.pdf", "source": "upload" }, "document": { "signer_sequencing": false, "expires_in": 12, "name": "Sign me", "roles": [ { "name": "a", "signer_name": "Geoff E", "signer_email": "geoff@example.com" } ] }, "sending_request": {} } 200 { "sending_request": { "id": "bf98b25c-a16b-4709-82fc-54034e736077", "status": "waiting_for_file", "status_message": null, "upload_url": "https://rightsignature-sr-development.s3.amazonaws.com/public_api/sending_requests/bf98b25c-a16b-4709-82fc-54034e736077/my_upload.pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJSRMQNOZ6XOBJZ4A%2F20180507%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20180507T152332Z&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-Signature=6ceecd6dfcf75b208b3cfd1386d9e6cd54c8df5ad9daa648fcc37fedef70f90f&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=Host&x-amz-acl=private", "document_template_id": null, "created_at": "2018-05-07T08:23:32.772-07:00", "updated_at": "2018-05-07T08:23:32.772-07:00" } }
Param name | Description |
file required |
Upload file information Validations:
file[name] required |
Filename withe extension Validations:
file[source] required |
Source of file. Only 'upload' is supported. Validations:
document required |
Document information Validations:
document[name] required |
Document name Validations:
document[signer_sequencing] required |
Send to signers in specified sequence. Validations:
document[personalized_messages] optional |
Use custom messages per signer. Specified in 'roles' attribute. Validations:
document[shared_with] optional |
Array of emails to CC document. Validations:
document[identity_method] optional |
How to authenticate signers (email | none). Validations:
document[callback_url] optional |
Document callback url. The URL will receive a POST for each of the following document events: Note: This is different from the sending request callback url which receives status updates regarding the sending request itself. ex. callback when document is viewed { "callbackType":"Document", "id":"edc7823a-7b99-45d7-9c3c-c7dc81f8dbf2", "event":"viewed", "documentState":"pending", "createdAt":"2016-11-14T13:45:23.199-08:00" } Validations:
document[api_embedded] optional |
Whether the document should be embedded. Validations:
document[api_embed_width] optional |
Embed width |
document[api_embed_height] optional |
Embed height |
document[roles] required |
Document signers Validations:
document[roles][name] required |
Role name. For text tags, the role name in the request must correspond to the recipient name given as the second argument (name) in the text tag. When signer sequencing is enabled, the role name must match the signer name set on the template. Validations:
document[roles][signer_name] required |
Signer name Validations:
document[roles][is_sender] optional |
Is signer the owner of document? Validations:
document[roles][sequence] optional |
Signer order (starting at 0), required if signer_sequencing is enabled. Validations:
document[roles][message] optional |
Custom message to signer. Validations:
document[roles][signer_email] required |
Signer email Validations:
document[expires_in] required |
Document expiration. Must be between 1 and 365 days |
document[pin] optional |
Document pin. Must be between 10000 and 99999 |
document[tags] optional |
Optional key value tags for categorization |
document[kba] optional |
Enable KBA on the document (applicable for KBA enabled plans) Validations:
callback_url optional |
URL to receive sending request status updates. The URL will receive a POST when the sending request is sent as a document or an error occured in processing. Only HTTP ports 80, 8000-8099, 3000-3009 and HTTPS port 443 is supported. Basic auth is also supported. Ex. value: “me:pass@yourhost.example/req_callback” ex. callback when successful { "sending_request": { "id": "09001350-1853-471c-955a-abb7d3120aa1", "status": "completed", "document_template_id": "733816f6-939f-4a8d-98de-55e357ab07d4", "created_at":"2016-08-10T18:57:29.400-07:00", "updated_at":"2016-08-10T19:05:11.100-07:00" } } ex. callback when processing fails { "sending_request": { "id": "09001350-1853-471c-955a-abb7d3120aa1", "status": "errored", "status_message": "File was password protected" "document_template_id": null, "created_at":"2016-08-10T18:57:29.400-07:00", "updated_at":"2016-08-10T19:05:11.100-07:00" } } Validations: