API version:
GET /public/v2/me
Return information about the authenticated RightSignature User
Provides a way of getting information about the authenticated user. This will be scoped to whoever the client application was generated for.
Supported Formats
Code | Description |
400 | invalid_scope |
400 | unauthorized_client |
401 | Could not find resource owner |
401 | Resource owner is not entitled |
401 | invalid_token |
401 | Must be authenticated. |
401 | Unauthorized application. |
422 | Bad input parameter. Error message should indicate which one and why. |
GET /public/{version}/me 200 { "user": { "id": "6fa4b1a8-dd7f-47d1-a169-792c60bea17d", "timezone": null, "name": "George Jetson", "email": "george@example.com", "company": "Space Camp LLC", "avatar_url": null, "can_send_documents": true, "is_grace_period": false, "cancellation_date": null } }