API version:


Archived documents
Retrieve Archived Documents and data

Resource Description
GET /public/v2/archived_documents_by_original_guid/:original_guid Return data for a specific Archived Document (legacy RS)

Retrieve Documents and data

Resource Description
GET /public/v2/documents Return a list of available Documents
GET /public/v2/documents/:id Return data for a specific Document
POST /public/v2/documents/:id/share Share document. All old email recipients are removed.
POST /public/v2/documents/:id/update_tags Update the tags on a given document. All old tags are removed.
POST /public/v2/documents/:id/void Void a Document
PUT /public/v2/documents/:id/update_pin Updates the document PIN

Oauth authorizations
OAuth2.0 Authorization Grant

Resource Description
GET /oauth/authorize Return an OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant type

Oauth tokens
OAuth 2.0 Access Token

Resource Description
POST /oauth/token Request an Access Token
POST /oauth/revoke Revoke an existing Access Token

Reusable template tags
CRUD functions on reusable template tags

Resource Description
GET /public/v2/reusable_templates/:reusable_template_id/tags Show all tags for a reusable template
POST /public/v2/reusable_templates/:reusable_template_id/tags Add new tags for a reusable template. All old tags are removed
PATCH /public/v2/reusable_templates/:reusable_template_id/tags Add/update tags for a reusable template.
DELETE /public/v2/reusable_templates/:reusable_template_id/tags Delete a tag from a reusable template

Reusable templates
Clone and send standardized documents for signature

Resource Description
GET /public/v2/reusable_templates/:id Return data for a specific Reusable Template
GET /public/v2/reusable_templates Return a list of available Reusable Templates
POST /public/v2/reusable_templates/:id/prepare_document Prepare a document to be sent from a Reusable Template
POST /public/v2/reusable_templates/:id/send_document Clone and send a Document from a Reusable Template
POST /public/v2/reusable_templates/:id/embed_document Embed a cloned document from a Reusable Template
DELETE /public/v2/reusable_templates/:id Delete a Reusable Template

Sending requests
Send custom documents for signature

Resource Description
GET /public/v2/sending_requests/:id Return the processing status of an existing Sending Request
POST /public/v2/sending_requests Create a Sending Request
POST /public/v2/sending_requests/:id/uploaded Create a new Sending Request to ultimately send a one-off Document

Document recipients

Resource Description
POST /public/v2/signers/:id/reminders Sends a reminder email to pending signers

Document senders

Resource Description
GET /public/v2/me Return information about the authenticated RightSignature User